Heart's Power

Even if you don’t feel like try it the rest comes I lived I know

yazı resimYZ


I’m upset when you feel sad
when you’re joyous I’m too
My heart is heavy for months
I don’t know what to say to the one who is responsibile

Support is with ladle from my heart
throw your sulky face to darkness
your soul should not be masked
I’ll be mad at tomorrow

It’s your turn
not difficult
Even if you don’t feel like it
the rest comes
I lived
I know

My happiness depends on feeding
spoon by spoon
I’m content even if it is with fork
from the edge
with your happiness

We will pass by crushing
over the sorrows that we did’nt know the reason
in the first fork in the road
with confidence hand in hand
from pessimism to optimism
while ease watching for our way impatiently

I am flying when you are still developing wings
We have forgotten a long time ago what care was
Look at my dream how enthusiastic we are
We are intertwined with the wishes of our hearts
While assimilating the life deeply
we have cut hopelessness’ hope
with our instincts
we are running
to our expectations



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